Panera Green Passion Smoothie

Yesterday, I had so many recipe ideas swirling around in my head, but when I searched for a smoothie recipe to share on my blog, I couldn’t find one. That’s when I decided to create my own! Let me tell you, this Panera Green Passion Smoothie is fantastic. Not only is it delicious and healthy, but it’s also incredibly easy to make.

Panera Green Passion Smoothie

This smoothie is super tasty and good for you! It’s perfect for starting your day or getting a boost in the afternoon. It’s got lots of green stuff that will benefit you. this smoothie is awesome for everyone. It’s quick to make, so even if you are always busy. You can even change it up to make it just how you like it.

What is Panera Green Passion Smoothie?

The Panera Green Passion Smoothie is a delicious smoothie that’s packed with green veggies, fruits, and creamy avocado. To make it, just mix spinach, kale, frozen banana, frozen pineapple, avocado, chia seeds, honey (if you like it sweet), and coconut water until it’s super smooth. You can switch things up by using different fruits or adding peanut butter for extra creaminess. It’s easy and fun to make, and you can make it just how you like it.


To make the Panera Green Passion Smoothie, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 cup kale
  • 1 banana, frozen
  • 1/2 cup pineapple chunks, frozen
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon honey (optional)
  • 1 cup coconut water.

Kitchen Equipment Needed

  • Blender
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Cutting board
  • Knife

How to Make Panera Green Passion Smoothie?

Step 1:

Wash the spinach and kale well.

Step 2:

Put the spinach, kale, frozen banana, frozen pineapple, avocado, chia seeds, honey (if you want it sweeter) so it’s optional, and coconut water in a blender.

Step 3:

Blend it until it’s super smooth and creamy. If it’s too thick, you can add more liquid.

Step 4:

Pour it into cups and enjoy right away.

Panera Green Passion Smoothie


  • Use ripe bananas for a sweeter smoothie.
  • Add a handful of ice cubes for an extra chill.
  • The drink is kind of healthy, but you have the choice to add any other ingredients to make it perfect for you like chocolate or peanut butter.

Recipe Variations?

  • Other Fruits: Instead of pineapple, try using different fruits like berries or mango.
  • Change the Milk: Use cow’s milk instead of coconut water.
  • Add Creamy Yogurt: Mix in a spoonful of creamy yogurt for extra creaminess.
  • Swap the Greens: Substitute spinach with cucumber.
  • Boost with Oats: Add a handful of oats for a perfect heartier smoothie.
  • Crunchy Protein: mix in a small handful of nuts for extra protein and crunch.

What to Pair with this Panera Green Passion Smoothie?

Enjoy your Panera Green Passion Smoothie with a yummy breakfast, usually, I paired with oatmeal or toast with peanut butter. For lunch, it’s perfect alongside a sandwich. For dinner, try pairing it with some Outback Brussels sprouts. For dessert, you can enjoy it with a fruit salad, chocolate brownies, or some homemade cookies.


Can I make this smoothie ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the ingredients ahead of time and store them in the freezer. Just blend them together when you’re ready to enjoy.

Can I use fresh fruit instead of frozen?

Fresh fruit works well too. Just add some ice cubes to achieve a chilled consistency.

What if I don’t have avocado?

You can skip it or replace it with a tablespoon of nut butter for creaminess.

How can I make it sweeter?

Uselly I Add more Honey to make it extra sweet for me.

Can I make it thicker?

Add more frozen fruit or avocado for a thicker texture.

What toppings can I add?

Get creative with shredded coconut, granola, or fresh berries.


If you loved this Panera Green Passion Smoothie recipe, be sure to share it with your friends and family. And don’t forget to subscribe to my blog for more delicious recipes,

Panera Green Passion Smoothie

Recipe by JuliaCourse: DrinksCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking timeminutes


Total time



Enjoy a yummy Panera Green Passion Smoothie! It's a tasty drink full of healthy stuff like green veggies, fruits, and creamy avocado. Perfect for breakfast when you need a boost.


  • 1 cup spinach

  • 1 cup kale

  • 1 banana, frozen

  • 1/2 cup pineapple chunks, frozen

  • 1/2 avocado

  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds

  • 1 tablespoon honey (optional)

  • 1 cup coconut water


  • Wash the spinach and kale well.
  • Put the spinach, kale, frozen banana, frozen pineapple, avocado, chia seeds, honey (if you want it sweeter) so it's optional, and coconut water in a blender.
  • Blend it until it's super smooth and creamy. If it's too thick, you can add more liquid.
  • Pour it into cups and enjoy right away.


  • Use ripe bananas for a sweeter smoothie.
  • Add a handful of ice cubes for an extra chill.
  • The drink is kind of healthy, but you have the choice to add any other ingredients to make it perfect for you like chocolate or peanut butter.
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I create recipes almost every day, sometimes with a little help from my husband (who’s a great taste tester!). Oh, and did I mention I’m a mom of two awesome kids, Sofia and Noah? They love trying my new recipes and always push me to create more and experiment with new dishes.